Compliance with international standards and accreditations

Certifications of the Burgo Group

For Mosaico, Lugo di Vicenza Plant there are 8 certificates. Reset filters
ISO 9001 - Mosaico – extension procedure VGM – regulation Solas 74
Expiry date: 14/10/2027
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ISO 9001 – Gruppo Burgo – extension procedure VGM – regulation Solas 74
Expiry date: 14/10/2027
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ISO 14001 - Burgo Group including the Group companies
Expiry date: 14/07/2026
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ISO 14001 - Mosaico
Expiry date: 14/07/2026
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UNI EN 15593 - Lugo plant
Expiry date: 24/01/2028
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FSC® Chain-of-Custody - Certificate SGSCH-COC-002122
Expiry date: 11/02/2028
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PEFC Chain-of-Custody - Certificate SGSCH-PEFC-COC-000269
Expiry date: 23/11/2027
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EU Ecolabel - Mosaico - IT/011/002
Expiry date: 31/12/2024
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