GO 2030

Social responsibility and sustainable growth in Burgo Group

Environmental sustainability and social responsibility have always been paramount in the Burgo Group's business approach. The Group commits maximum attention to these issues due to the intrinsic cultural and practical value of its product: paper.

Burgo Group is highly aware of the paper industry's impact on the environment and the importance of attracting talent and nurturing awareness so that this strategic industry continues to evolve.The areas of intervention in environmental sustainability where the Group is called upon to act concern decarbonisation, the optimisation of water resources, the reduction of production waste, and the development of increasingly sustainable products. Such challenges are to be faced with the confidence, on the other hand, that paper is a vital asset for the well-being of society, for conveying culture, information, knowledge, and that paper offers opportunities for the development of sustainable products and alternatives to fossil based materials.

Burgo Group faces these challenges with a factual approach and through a straightforward ESG strategy:

  • by creating an accurate materiality map, i.e. an analysis of the priority issues to be addressed, with a precise assessment of the Group's current circumstances regarding each subject;
  • by setting measurable goals and defining transparent performance indicators;
  • drawing up a roadmap for the implementation of the subsequent actions and for the achievement of the goals set.

Above all, Burgo Group has chosen to operate by involving all the active agents of the Group by intervening at the governance level and investing in processes to strengthen corporate values and integrity.

Responsibility and sustainability are everyone's duties. Just as, in the Burgo Group, there is space and opportunities for everyone. Respect for the individual, inclusiveness, hybrid models of work organisation, enhancement of talents, and ongoing training are all essential to integrate the values of responsibility into the dynamics of the Company. Indeed, this is the best way to support environmental protection and the same time also promote the safety and well-being of Burgo Group’s employees and of the communities in which the Company operates.

Promoting positive change. Embracing the change. Being us, together, the change. In this way, Burgo Group responds to the expectations of those who purchase the Group's products and services and of all stakeholders, who are increasingly paying attention to the ecological footprint and social awareness of the companies they turn to.

Burgo Group's sustainability goals

The Burgo Group's approach is corroborated by policies, management systems, and certifications and is consistent with the strategic guidelines and goals set by the United Nations 2030 Agenda, which also inspired the GO 2030 trademark with which Burgo Group identifies its focus on social and environmental responsibility.
The seventeen Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs, set in 2015 and acknowledged by the Governments of the 193 member countries of the United Nations, set out a course for the development of a more equitable society and a healthier planet, in line with the principles of circular economy and sustainable growth. In particular, Burgo Group focuses its attention on nine of these goals.

Good health and well-being Good health and well-being
qualiy education qualiy education
clean water and sanitation clean water and sanitation
affordable and clean energy affordable and clean energy
decent work and economic growth decent work and economic growth
industry, innovation and infrastructure industry, innovation and infrastructure
responsible consumption and production responsible consumption and production
climate action climate action
life on land life on land

The Sustainable Development Goals became a map for Burgo Group, pointing precisely at the areas in which to intervene and in which it can become a model and an agent of positive change.

Towards 2030: Burgo Group’s targets

Decarbonisation goals
CO2 emission intensity - Scope 1 and Scope 2 (vs 2021)
energy from renewable sources
Circularity goals
waste recovery
water consumption
Product sustainability goals
product development to promote recycling and optimal recovery according to an LCA perspective
Supply sustainability goals
sustainable suppliers, selected according to ESG drivers
Equality and inclusion goals
employees trained in business ethics
women in managerial and leadership positions
Workplace Health and Safety goals
workplace injury frequency rate (vs 2021)
percentage of ISO 45001-certified sites

Burgo Group's ESG strategy and focus topics

The three letters in the acronym ESG stand for Environment, Social, and Governance. , each committed to implementing and monitoring the actions deemed necessary to achieve the goals set..

Circularity, waste, and water recycling
Sustainable products
Human Resources
Health & Safety
Sustainable Sourcing
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