GO 2030

Workplace Health and Safety

Burgo Group is committed to preventing workplace accidents and occupational diseases, thus guaranteeing a healthy and safe working environment for all its employees.

The Group is focusing on:

  • keeping potential risks under control, to reach the final goal of zero accidents;
  • promoting the integrated management of safety and health interventions in the workplace;
  • adhering to international standards according to the best technologies and procedures available;
  • developing training and information on safety and health in the workplace programs to nurture a culture of safety and prevention.

The recurrent meetings aim to define future strategic actions by analysing and comparing the results obtained and the goals set.

Accidents are monitored, investigated and recorded in all Group plants.

The monitoring and analysis of near misses, i.e. those events which by chance do not occur but could potentially cause an injury or health damage, is crucial.

The goal is to prevent near misses by developing and implementing strategic preventive measures.

Towards 2030: Burgo Group’s targets

Workplace Health and Safety goals
workplace injury frequency rate (vs 2021)
percentage of ISO 45001-certified sites
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