The Burgo Group 2022 Sustainability Report is online
The Sustainability Report maps the Group's path towards an increasingly sustainable model.

The pillars of sustainability: Burgo's ESG development strategy
Throughout 2022 Burgo Group defined its ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) development plan to implement a sustainability strategy founded on three pillars:
The pressing challenge of climate change entails a growing focus on reduction of emissions and pollution, accurate management of waste, and use of natural raw materials, all already priority issues for the company; - SOCIAL
Health and safety of employees, sustainable supply, and determination of responsibilities contribute to defining the value and social commitment of the company, also regarding suppliers thanks to the implementation of the Code of Conduct; - GOVERNANCE
A company policy oriented towards ESG goals is the driving factor towards a sustainable strategy, guaranteed and managed also through the appointment of a sustainability working group. With this in mind, in 2022 Burgo Group created the ESG Sustainability Steering Committee to ensure interdependent and proactive collaboration between different positions in the company.
Commitment to 2030: The SDGs
Burgo Group is aware that its environmental and social impact goes beyond the perimeter of its business activity: therefore, the company pursues a production policy that combines market needs with the needs of the environment and community.
Consistently with its mission and actions, the Group has identified in some of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda specific measures in corporate governance, core business, and management policies, through which it can foster positive developments for the community.
Innovation and Responsibility
The 2022 Sustainability Report confirms the Burgo Group's mission to pursue innovation that is attentive and responsible towards the environment, actively seeking increasingly sustainable solutions where circularity becomes the model for all processes.
Creating value for its stakeholders, maintaining the leadership of the reference market, and complying with social and environmental commitment; indeed, the goals are many and varied, but there is only one way to achieve them: innovating with responsibility.

Environmental sustainability and social responsibility have always been paramount in the Burgo Group's business approach. The Group commits maximum attention to these issues due to the intrinsic cultural and practical value of its product: paper.
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