National Conference of Recycling 2023: Italy among the European excellences
On Thursday 14 December, the annual appointment with Italy’s National Conference of the Recycling Industry took place at the headquarters of the Corriere della Sera, in Milan, and also in live streaming.
Italy confirms itself as a leading European excellence in waste recycling: this was one of the most interesting evidences highlighted during the conference, held in collaboration with CONAI and Pianeta2023 (a monthly magazine of Corriere della Sera), and sponsored by the Italian Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, Ispra and the National System for Environmental Protection.
The data dati: the paper recycling rate is over 81%
Data clearly show Italy’s position of excellence. In 2022, the recycling rate of waste, both special and urban, reached 72% (higher than the European average of 58%), with peaks for the packaging sector.
Among the different recycling chains, the important numbers achieved by the paper chain are particularly significant: 4.3 million tons of paper and cardboard packaging waste were recycled (81,2% of the total, above the EU target of 75% by 2025).
All the data, as well as an in-depth look at the secondary raw materials market, an overview of the new frontiers of recycling and the new Italian and European policies and measures, are available in the publication edited by Edo Ronchi ‘Il Riciclo in Italia 2023’ (Recycling in Italy 2023), printed on Burgo Respecta 100 paper.

The importance of the circular economy
The speeches held during the conference included the round table discussion about ‘The EU packaging regulation and the challenges of the future’, attended by Ignazio Capuano, CONAI President and Burgo Group’s CEO.
‘The circular economy’– Capuano stressed – ’is a very important branch of our economy. And our recycling industry sets an example for Europe: even the latest version of the Packaging Regulation recognises its importance. This is an incentive to do even better, especially in a country as poor in raw materials as ours (Italy - editor’s note): we are already champions in packaging recycling, but we must strengthen our national results by setting environmental protection as our true, single objective.
I believe it is time to join forces and commit ourselves to this course of action’.
Watch the video of the round table discussion "The EU packaging regulation and the challenges of the future"
Following these guidelines, Burgo Group continues to invest in the design and production of high quality recycled papers that meet market demands and support the actualisation of the circular economy.

Range of coated recycled papers, conceived from a virtuous perspective of circular economy combined with high aesthetic qualities.
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