Sustainable and competitive

Tolmezzo: further investing in energy efficiency

The works that started at the end of 2020 have been completed and the new cogeneration plant is up and running at the Tolmezzo plant.

The plant allows the combined production of electricity and thermal energy using the same primary fuel: the goal is to obtain significant energy savings, with consequent control of energy costs and reduction of atmospheric and thermal pollution.

If implemented effectively, combined heat and power (CHP) contributes to:

  • guaranteed economic savings, due to lower consumption of gas or other fossil fuels;
  • a consistent reduction of the environmental impact, due to the reduction of emissions and the lower release of waste heat into the environment;
  • greater efficiency for the entire national electricity system, since the energy plants are located near the place of consumption, thus preventing transmission and distribution losses.

The intervention in the Tolmezzo plant was designed to achieve the parameters of high-performance plants set by the Energy Services Manager (GSE).
The design and implementation of the system were carried out in close collaboration between the Burgo Group Technology & Investment office and the technical team of the Tolmezzo plant. Burgo Energia, the Burgo Group ESCo, will be in charge of energy management and operations in the energy and environmental markets.

As part of the Burgo Group production force, the Tolmezzo plant produces primarily Mosaico's specialty papers, namely envelope, tissue, and food papers.

The investment in the new cogeneration plant confirms the vision and strategy of Burgo Group, alongside the commitment to combine economic growth and competitiveness (through costs reduction, too) with care for the environmental sustainability, progressively acting towards climate neutrality.

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