ASK Burgo Group

Budgeting and Cost Control for Burgo’s investments in technology and innovation

Investments in technology are crucial for Burgo Group. Let's ask Sandra Galliano, who manages budget and cost control for Technology Investments, about the steps a project must take, from design to implementation.

Burgo Group invests heavily in the technical area, aiming at the technological renewal and maintenance of the efficiency of the plants. In recent years, consistent investments have been made in the energy area, a critical and essential sector for the company. In this framework, data collection and analysis are crucial since budget investments must be in line with the Group’s goals and prospects. In her interview, Sandra Galliano answers five on-point questions about the methods and processes of budgeting and cost control in Technology Investments, her area of expertise.

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What is your role and area of expertise?

I'm Sandra Galliano, and I deal with budget and cost control within the Technology Investment department of the Burgo Group. With my activity of data collection and data analysis on investments, I support the administrative department so that the management of the Burgo Group's investment budget is in line with the company's goals. The budget is a tool for control but also for planning in the short term. It allows decoding the data contained in the Burgo Group business plan into financial knowledge. This way, I assist my department and the production units in monitoring what the investments area has undertaken.

Why are the investment budget and cost control so important?

The investment budget allows us to start each year with a well-traced route, providing a clear direction to follow. The cost control is regularly kept and allows us to understand whether the path we are following is in line with the objectives expected by the Burgo Group and, if there are any divergences, to develop the necessary corrective measures. For Burgo Group, the investment budget is always crucial. Every year, substantial resources are invested in the technical area, aiming at the technological renewal and maintenance of the efficiency of the plants.

How does the investment approval process work?

A new project begins with a document that illustrates the main features alongside the purposes, timing, and procedures, both technical and financial. Each new project must always be included in the investment budget.

The authorization process then requires that this investment gets approved by the management of the Burgo Group.

What kind of investment projects are currently underway?

The Burgo Group engineering office is currently working on two projects in the energy sector, both of which are nearing completion. A new project is also starting in the paper sector: the installation of new machinery in a plant that produces test liners.

Like all investments, each project comprises design, acquisition, and installation. Currently, having completed the design, we are starting with the acquisition phase. The installation phase will take place in 2023 since the acquisition is taking longer, due to the pandemic.

What is the unique feature of your work in the Technology Investment area?

I am lucky to work in such a stimulating environment. I have the opportunity to work with highly professional colleagues in a team where the energy for a new project and a new investment involves the whole group from the initial idea, and such enthusiasm gets renewed with the start of each new project.

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