Lundini and Stanga star in Fare Castelli di Carta for Cartaceo#05 and the Burgo Calendar 2024
On Sunday 19 November, at the Salone d'Onore of the Milano Triennale, Fare Castelli di Carta made Valerio Lundini's words come to life, thanks to Carlo Stanga's live painting for Cartaceo#05.
The event was part of the calendar of BookCity Milano 2023 and bore witness to the long-lasting relationship between Burgo Group and the Milan exhibition. Indeed, for 20 years the Group has collaborated with Italian and international artists through its historic illustrated calendar.
The Cartaceo project, in collaboration with Associazione Illustri and ArtsFor, has now reached its fifth edition.
Cartaceo#05 brought together Valerio Lundini – comedian, presenter, TV author – and Carlo Stanga, architect and illustrator, particularly renowned for his illustrations of cities and their colourful everyday life. Stanga interpreted the theme of Fare castelli di carta (building houses of cards) “with dreamlike architectural features. Invisible, light cities as complicated as our souls. When they’ve been built, they appear solid, but they are as ephemeral as butterflies”; in fact, in Ancient Greek the word psyche meant both ‘soul’ and ‘butterfly’”.
Stanga's illustrations, together with Lundini's words, were gathered in an exclusive collector's Leporello, printed in a limited edition, and gifted to all event participants.
Words and images led the attendees through a surreal journey in praise of the most reckless projects, of creating something only seemingly ephemeral and detached from reality, of imagining the unimaginable, of exploring the possible and impossible, of the value of our eccentricities, and of feeling out of place.
Burgo Calendar 2024
“Houses of cards stand within us, like in the mid-70s described by Valerio Lundini, until they collapse or are knocked down by the wind of emotions that catch us unaware. We are trying to admire and inhabit these architectures, to live in that moment when they achieve a form of beauty as much as possible”.
The illustrations depicting Carlo Stanga's colourful world of houses of cards, accompanied by the quotations from Valerio Lundini's words, are also collected in the Burgo Calendar 2024, which inside pages are printed on 250 gsm Respecta 100 recycled paper.

The Burgo Group Calendar is 27 years old: it is a tradition that has been renewed every year since 1997 and strengthens the link between paper, art, words, culture, and beauty.
Carlo Stanga
Carlo Stanga è un architetto, autore e illustratore italiano. Collabora con le principali riviste e quotidiani e con clienti internazionali, in particolare in Europa e negli Stati Uniti.
Il suo stile riconoscibilissimo ha vinto numerosi premi dell’Illustrazione italiana e alcune sue opere sono state selezionate dall’American Illustration Annual. Recentemente ha vinto la medaglia d’oro della rivista statunitense Creative Quarterly e vari “Awards of Excellence” di Communication Arts. Ha esposto i suoi lavori in mostre personali e collettive a Berlino, New York, Parigi, Taipei, Tokyo, Milano e Vicenza. Ha da poco scritto e illustrato una serie di volumi dedicati alle maggiori città del mondo, dove l’architettura e il paesaggio urbano sono protagonisti. Stanga ha elaborato una visione originale, che presenta in conferenze pubbliche in cui il disegno della città diventa una chiave privilegiata per accedere alla sua comprensione anche psicologica.
Vive e lavora a Berlino.